Indian Wedding Invitation Wordings
A Peek Into The Indian Wedding Invitation Wordings And Its Significance

Indian Wedding Invitation Wordings | Image Resource :
You can say rose is a beautiful flower or you can express it as the red rose is beautiful. You can convey a small matter in a variety of ways. Some use plain language and convey the matter while those with a creative bent of mind always use their creativity to beautify the images. When you say the red rose automatically the image of red rose comes to your mind. Conveying things carries weightage.
Select Beautiful Indian Wedding Invitation Wordings
You send a text or a wedding card. Usually, people select a wedding card from the available samples and get one customized and printed. When guests read such cards they do not create an impact on them. Indian wedding invitation wordings are carefully selected and formal invitations have a set pattern. You can include verses which convey the love between the couples in the cards but the hosts invite the guests with reverence.
Indians consider their guests as god and you can see this especially in Indian weddings when friends and relatives are welcomed and treated well. The guests are individually welcomed and they are served tasty delicacies. Guests accept the invitation of the hosts only when they are invited personally with a formal invitation card. Wordings in Indian marriage cards need to be specific and formal. An informal inviting style is not followed.
Wordings: The Crux Of The Wedding Card
The hosts invite their guests with respect and the hosts consider it as their blessing to welcome the guests. Words such as “your esteemed presence” or “request the honour of your company” are generally seen in the wedding cards. The card starts with images of gods or verses from the holy scriptures. It is done so that blessings are invoked for the holy union and for the onward journey.
The names of the bride and groom and their parents are highlighted in the card. Even the venue, date and time are highlighted in the card. A wedding card should convey the happy emotion of the hosts. So wordings are very important.